Meet Our Members
Church Community Housing Corporation
Address: 50 Washington Square Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-846-5114
Fax: 401-849-7930
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Homebuyer Education & Counseling, Home Repair Loan Program
Crossroads Rhode Island
Address: 160 Broad Street, Providence RI 02903
Phone: (401) 521-2255
Services Provided: Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Chronically Homeless Specialization, Community Based Case Management, Homeless Emergency Shelter, Permanent Supportive Housing, Walk- in Center, Tenant Education & Resident Services, Real Estate Development Services , Volunteer Opportunities, Homeless Shelter (single men), Homeless Shelter (single women), Homeless Shelter (families), Homeless Shelter (couples), Transitional Housing Units, Domestic Violence Programming and Support, Education & Employment Services, Rental Assistance, Health & Dental Care, Coordinated Entry, Diversion
Foster Forward
Address: 55 South Brow Street, East Providence, RI 02914
Phone: (401) 438-3900
Services Provided: Youth Drop-In Center, Rapid Rehousing, Affordable Rental Opportunities, Transitional Housing, Youth Services including GED, Career Exploration & Workforce Development, Financial Capability & Matched Savings Program, Mentoring and Community Storefront
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Providence and East Bay
Address: 460 Harris Avenue, Suite 203, Providence, RI 02909
Phone: (401) 831-5424
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Home Repair/Modification Opportunities, Home Performance Training & Education, Volunteer Opportunities
House of Hope Community Development Corporation
Address: 3188 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886
Phone: 401-463-3324
Fax: 401-463-3574
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Chronically Homeless Specialization, Community Based Case Management, Homeless Emergency Winter Shelter, Homeless Street Outreach, Medicaid Home Stabilization, Operation First Step, Peer Mentoring Program, Permanent Supportive Housing, Walk-In Center
Jonnycake Center for Hope
Address: 22 Kersey Road, Peace Dale, RI 02879
Phone: (401) 789-1559
Services Provided: Healthy Food and Nutrition Education, Service-Enriched Housing, Financial Assistance, Child and Youth Enrichment, Case Management and Coaching
NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley
Address: 719 Front Street, Suite 103, Woonsocket, RI 02895
Phone: 401-762-0993
Fax: 401-769-1010
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Commercial Space Rentals, Financial Capability Workshops, Foreclosure Prevention Services, Food Business Incubator Kitchen, Homebuyer Education & Coaching (English & Spanish), K-12 Youth Programming, Online Homebuyer Education (English & Spanish), Tenant Education & Resident Services
OMNI Development Corporation
Address: 810 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02905
Phone: 401-461-4442
Fax: 401-461-7108
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Commercial Space Rentals, Property Management, Real Estate Development Services, Resident Services, Tenant Education, Youth Programs
One Neighborhood Builders
Address: 66 Chaffee Street, Providence, RI 02909
Phone: 401-351-8719
Fax: 401-351-0019
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Community Building, Commercial Space Development & Management, Community Space Development & Management, Homebuyer Education & Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities
Pawtucket Central Falls Development (PCF Development)
Address: 204 Broad Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 726-1173
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Closing Cost Assistance Program, Commercial Space Rentals, Community Building, HEZ Program/Healthy Communities Initiative, Homebuyer Education & Counseling, Licensed Contractor, Tenant Education & Resident Services
Pawtucket Housing Authority
Address: 214 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 721-6000
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Blackstone Valley Meal Site (Fogarty), Chronically Homeless Specialization, Family Self Sufficiency Program, Homebuyer Education & Counseling, Tenant Education & Resident Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Youth Programs
Providence Revolving Fund
Address: 372 West Fountain Street, Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-272-2760
Fax: 401-273-9190
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Architectural/Salvage, Commercial Lending, Down City Loan & Grant Program, Down City Marker Program, Historic Consulting Services, Neighborhood Loan Program, Preservation Resource Center, Real Estate Development Services
Sojourner House
Address: Mailing: 386 Smith Street, Providence RI 02908 | Drop-In Center: 1570 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02909
Phone: Office: 401-861-6191 | 24/7 Helpline: 401-765-3232
Services Provided: Drop-In Center, Emergency Shelter, Rapid Rehousing, Affordable Rental Opportunities, Transitional Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Affordable Rental Opportunities, Immigration Advocacy, Sexual Health Advocacy, Clinical Counseling, Support Groups, Education and Training, SSI Assistance, School Based Advocacy, Maternal Health Support, Housing & Immigration Clinics
South County Habitat for Humanity
Address: 1555 Shannock Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
Phone: 401-213-6711
Fax: 401-213-6715
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Homebuyer Education & Counseling, Restore Volunteer Opportunities
SWAP, Inc. (Stop Wasting Abandoned Property)
Address: 39 Pine Street, Providence, RI 02907
Phone: 401-272-0526
Fax: 401-272-5653
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Housing Development Consulting, Affordable Rental Apartments, Commercial Spaces for Lease & Sale, Community Stakeholder Participant, Good Tenant Workshop, Home Buyer Education & Counseling
Valley Affordable Housing Corporation
Address: 1029 Mendon Road, Cumberland, RI 02864
Phone: 401-334-2802
Fax: 401-312-0010
Services Provided: Affordable Family and Elderly Rental Housing Opportunities, Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Heating Assistance and Affordable Connectivity Program, Tenant & Resident Services
West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation
Address: 224 Dexter Street, Providence, RI 02907
Phone: 401-453-3220
Fax: 401-453-3222
Services Provided: Affordable Homeownership Opportunities, Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Community Building, Community Gardens, Contractor Support Center, Farmers Market Homebuyer Education & Counseling, Sankofa World Market Tenant Education and Resident Services, WIC, Youth Services
Women’s Development Corporation
Address: 861 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02907
Phone: (401) 941-2900
Services Provided: Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, Permanent Supportive Housing, Tenant Education & Resident Services, Real Estate Development Services
Supporting Member
WARM Center
Address: 56 Spruce St., Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: (401) 596-9276
Services Provided: Emergency Shelters & Transitional/Interim Housing, Permanent Supportive Community Outreach, Housing Navigation Services, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Outreach Case Management