Buying an affordable home
If you are looking to purchase a home that has been made affordable by way of a deed restriction or ground lease, you must demonstrate that your projected household income will not exceed the applicable income limits as well as meeting certain other eligibility criteria.
Income eligibility is determined by assessing all income received by all members of the household, at their gross amount, and forward projecting for the coming 52 week period. Additionally, 1% of the total value of a household’s assets are added to the calculated income to arrive at a total projected annual income.
For the purposes of income certification, the following are some examples of sources that would be considered as income, but is not an exhaustive list:
- Part time and full time employment income (base, overtime and bonus pay)
- Self-employment income
- Unemployment income
- Temporary disability payment, Worker’s Comp, and long term disability
- Income from government sources (Social Security, SSI, SSDI, Supplemental SSI, VA benefits, RIWorks etc)
- Distributions from retirement vehicles (Social Security, pension, 401k, traditional and ROTH IRAs, 403(b) etc)
- Investment income from stocks, bonds, brokerage account
- Rental income from non-residential real estate
- Gambling proceeds
- Annuity payments
- Child support and alimony
- Reoccurring family support or cash gifts
For the purposes of income certification, an asset is considered anything that has cash value with interest earnings or growth potential held by any member of the household. The following are items we typically count as assets, but is not an exhaustive list:
- Current value on bank accounts (checking, savings, money markets)
- Certificates of Deposits
- Retirement accounts from which no distributions are being received, or will be received in the coming 52-week period.
- Investment accounts from which no distributions have be made
For purposes of income certification, we do NOT count food stamps or government issued rental subsidy as income, nor do we consider personal property, such as vehicles, recreational equipment, art, jewelry etc. as assets.
You can find the current income limit requirements here to help you make a self-assessment regarding eligibility.
Unlike market rate homeownership opportunities, affordable homes have ongoing compliance requirements and limitations. Prior to deciding to pursue an affordable homeownership opportunity, homebuyers should assess whether those conditions align with how they intended to own and utilize the property in the future.
- The home must remain owner occupied twelve months a year.
- The home may never be rented out or subleased to others. If the owner can’t or doesn’t want to live there anymore, it must be resold to another low and moderate income homebuyer using the process outlined on the “selling an affordable home” page.
- The home may not be placed into any type of trust, revocable or irrevocable, or be held by an entity of any kind.
- All transfers of ownership interest (full or partial) of the home must be approved by the CHLT in advance.
- Refinances and Home Equity Lines of Credit must be approved by the CHLT in advance, and there are limitations on these types of transactions.
- All future resales during the restricted period must be sold to an income-eligible household at a price not in excess of the affordable sales price, as determined by the CHLT.
- The buyer may not be a dependent on another person’s most recently filed tax return.
- As the home must remain owner occupied, non-resident co-borrowers are not permissible.
- The buyer may not own another residential property at the time they purchase the affordable property.
- Private financing is not typically allowed. If financing the home with a mortgage, buyers must use mortgage products that are non-predatory in nature and meet industry standard underwriting criteria and loan terms.
Overview of the Process
Step 1. Once you’ve identified an affordable home that you are interested in, review eligibility and compliance criteria to gauge whether an affordable home is the right opportunity for your household.
Step 2. You must have an executed Purchase and Sales agreement to apply for income certification.
Step 3. Download the Homeownership Application for Income Certification form below.
Step 4. Complete the application and submit it, along with all of the required documentation in HARD COPY format to the CHLT, 1070 Main Street Suite 304, Pawtucket RI 02860. Please make sure that you provide copies of documents (not originals) as we are unable to return your documents to you.
Step 5. After the review is complete, the CHLT will issue a preliminary approval with conditions or written reasons for denial or disqualification.
Step 6. All parties will work towards a timely closing. CHLT is responsible for drafting any legal paperwork related to the deed restriction or ground lease, and coordinates with closing attorney to finalize closing date and complete the steps necessary to close; buyer provides/completes any outstanding items listed in the preliminary approval. First time homebuyers are required to complete an 8 Hour HUD Approved Homebuyer education class, and all homebuyers are required to complete a one on one counseling session with CHLT to review the compliance components of their deed restriction/ ground lease.
Step 7. Upon successful completion of all the conditions outlined in the preliminary approval, CHLT will release its final approval and deliver its closing packet to the closing attorney.
Step 8. Happy Closing and Congratulations on your new home!
Click here for the 2024 Application for Income Certification (Homeownership)
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are interested in working with us, please contact:
Melina Lodge, Executive Director
401-721-5680 ext.104